Asian America: The Ken Fong Podcast


EP 526: Rev. Lydia Sohn On The Spirituality of Staying In A Culture Of Leaving

Whether or not you identify as spiritual or some kind of Christian, I’m pretty sure most of us are quite familiar with the tendency–if not the temptation–to live as if the grass is always greener on the other side of the septic tank. Armed with this mindset, many of us move on, move away, or just keep on moving rather than stay put in hopes of finding what we’re looking for where we are.

As you’ll soon learn, Rev. Lydia Sohn was preprogrammed by her Korean American immigrant parents to be a nomad. That was her first and most basic instinct. But at some point she was made to consider the potentially greater value of staying, which has long been a spiritual practice of Benedictine monks. Energized by what a difference this made in her life and her work, Sohn eventually wrote Here: A Spirituality of Staying In a Culture of Leaving.

I have no doubt that much of what she shares in our conversation and in her new book will be life-giving, if not life-saving. You can learn more about her at